Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wesley Pilgrimage

Dear Readers,
I am taking a hiatus from posting, since I need to finish lots of home things before leaving for the "Wesley Pilgrimage," sponsored by the General Board of Discipleship, which begins October 4 in Salisbury, England.  It will be a 10 day tour, and then I will spend another week doing research in Oxford for this blog.

I must confess that Technology is Not My Friend.  I suspect that computers, like telephone salespeople, take advantage of one's hesitation and refuse to cooperate to prove they are In Charge.  I have a new Asus Ee-pad, which I have named "Alice" after the Alice in "Dilbert," who is smarter than anyone else at the company and is continually frustrated with how stupid her coworkers and boss are.  I am hoping she takes pity on me and cooperates while we are in England.

I understand Blogger is having difficulty posting photographs, so my plan to post blog photos with Alice may have to wait until I get home and someone can help me figure it out.  I will try to post whenever I can about early Methodist medicine, but have no idea how busy the tour, or how strong our Internet connection, will be.
So wish me the best and I will excitedly share what I discover!

(For a description and more information about the "Wesley Pilgrimage, next held April 15-24, 2013, see
(Source of picture: Wellcome Library, London)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom! Wait, you've been in England for a good 24 hours now. Allow me to translate.... 'Ello, Mum!
